Let's forget about the leggings and sleeveless t-shirts! After all, they only look good on few people... A much better option for a long, hot summer is the caftan. The proof of this is the Mediterranean culture. They have known there for ages what is nice and cool in the summer: the wide caftan. But a caftan is more than just a baggy baggy dress. A caftan is always beautifully finished with embroidered edges, fringes and different shapes/lengths. The caftan is simply beautiful, classy and timeless.
And easy to make yourself! Guest writers are welcome. Do you want to share a sewing-story? Your inspiration, a great (upcycling-) idea or a sewing-project. It is all very welcome. Or do you have problems with a sewing patterns and you need suggestions from others? Or you just made a beautiful Chanel-Style jacket and you want to show the world...
Share your ideas, suggestions, projects and self-made outfit! Chanel – The Making of a Collection
All about creating your own Chanel-Style jacket, Chanel-lovers information, Historic Costumes, Couture & Sewing book reviews and tutorials.