In the era of self-expression and creativity, journaling has become more than just putting pen to paper. It has evolved into a personalized art form, a canvas for documenting experiences, thoughts, and passions. For sewing enthusiasts, the concept of a 'Sewing Journal' has taken the stitching world by storm. Let's delve into the exciting realm of sewing journaling and explore why it's not just a trend but a valuable asset for every sewing and couture enthusiast.
Creating your own hats may seem like an elusive skill, but the journey into hat-making is well within reach for the budding seamstress. Can you truly fashion those beautiful hats yourself, and if so, how? Where does one start, especially with limited hat-making experience?
This blog provides a comprehensive guide, focusing on materials, fabrics, sewing skills and techniques : On the art of SEWING hats.
Have you ever wondered about that elegant border surrounding a beautiful piece of embroidery-work? That's a passe-partout, a simple yet transformative addition that not only enhances the aesthetics of an image but also adds depth and allure to the overall presentation.
As the long January evenings stretch on, boredom can easily creep in, leaving us searching for engaging activities to fill the time. That's precisely why this sewing project is such a delight. Amidst the monotony, crafting something beautiful not only wards off boredom but also adds a sense of accomplishment to these chilly evenings. Let's talk about caps! Caps are one of the most versatile and functional accessories that exist. They serve a practical purpose by providing shade from the sun, keeping hair out of your face, and protecting your head from the elements. But caps are also a fashion statement that can elevate any outfit with style and personality.
In this blog, we'll explore why you should wear caps, how to style them effectively, whether or not they can be considered luxurious items, and even how to make your own custom cap. A beginners guide! We have already written a lot about sustainability and saving money. There are many tips & tricks and 'best buys' on this website. Sewing is a wonderful hobby, but sometimes it is not easy to buy all the things you need. If you want to make clothes for yourself, interior items or Cosplay costumes for your children, you need at least fabrics, threads, linings, buttons etc. etc. and a sewing machine....
We love to 'spot' cheap stuff, we love to discover useful tips and we love to keep our ears and eyes wide open. Therefore, especially for you, our the best tips & tricks! Embroidery with the sewing machine is addictive! Once you start embroidering you will never want to stop. That's also because of all the beautiful embroidery patterns for sale (or FREE!) and the beautiful colors of embroidery thread.
But even more beautiful are the metallic embroidery threads. But there is a problem: these threads often go wrong when you use them for embroidery patterns. What is the cause of threads keeps breaking and how can you prevent this? Read the tips & tricks! What's the BEST sewing pattern is to make a Chanel-style jacket? This question is difficult to answer. It all depends on what kind of fabric you are going to work with, what you expect about the shape of the jacket and what's your sewing level... In this blog we are going to answer the question and clarify our choice. However, we will clearly indicate about the end result and why we rate the sewing pattern in the top ten of our choice!
All about creating your own Chanel-Style jacket, Chanel-lovers information, Historic Costumes, Couture & Sewing book reviews and tutorials.