If you are looking for the perfect shirt, take a deep breath for relief. We have found the perfect sewingpattern for making: The Perfect Shirt ánd easy to sew!
Mc Call's M6076 A pattern is perfect if it meets a lot of conditions. We will just mention a few:
The sewingpattern is easy to sew for beginners, but does not have a cheap appearance or the appearance of a straightforward garment which is typically typical of patterns for beginners. Feel free to go ahead and vary in terms of fabrics and colors! Tip: The sleeves could be too wide. In linnen or cotton blends it looks great. In fabrics which are not firm, it looks a bit as if you have the wrong size... Mc Call's M6076 is a sewingpattern that you will often use as a basic pattern. The pattern is also timeless and classic. We love it ! Comments are closed.
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