Stella McCarthey introduced her new collection of garments made from Mylo leather last week. Mylo is a new fabric made by the clever engineers from Bolt Threads™. 'Mylo Unleather' is a durable fabric made from champions. Mylo has the appearance and properties of leather and is soft, supple and less harmful to the environment. Adidas, lululemon, and Stella McCartney now use this fabric for their new collections. Meet Mylo™ The allure of leather with a sustainable transformation. Made from mycelium — the complex latticework of underground fibers so strong they hold the planet together — Mylo is soft, supple, and less harmful to the environment. Mylo is made possible by the world-class scientists and engineers at Bolt Threads™. There is hope Fashion designer Stella McCarthey introduced the very first clothes made from Mylo unleather. Stella is vegan her whole life and she is very progressive in terms of sustainability and respect for the environment. The photo shows Paris Jackson wearing a nice top and pants made of Mylo unleather. The beautiful photo and clothing shows the hopeful future in which we will use sustainable and vegan fabrics out of respect for animals and the environment. Leather made from champions
Who would have thought? A beautiful leather bag or an outfit made of champions with the appearance of soft and luxurious leather... Champions 'threads' themselves down. These threads are processed into real threads. The se threads are transformed in the basic fabric Mylo, which is a worthy alternative to leather made from animal skin. You can read more about this process on the website of Bolt threads and Mylo Unleather. Of course this 'unleather' is a much better alternative than leather look or fake leather fabrics which are made on a synthetic and chemical basis. We are very curious when Mylo will be picked up by other designers and when Mylo will be on the market to buy as fabric. We can hardly wait for it ...! Comments are closed.
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